

Required Equipment: Players can not practice or play without

- shin guards

- socks covering shin guards

 - running shoes - cleats are not required.

 If you choose to use cleats they must follow the following guidelines: flat ends, no spikes, no metal


Provided Equipment:

U5/7 House Leagues - Receive a Timbits soccer jersey at the start of the season and ball to take home at the end of the season.

U9 House League - 

U9/11/13 Travelling Leagues - Jerseys provided for games. One parent will be assigned to take home and wash the team set after each game. Each player will receive game shorts and socks to keep.


Suggested Equipment: Highly recommended for health and safety

- water bottle

- sunscreen


Banned Equipment: Not permitted to be worn during practice/play

- jewelry 

- hard brimmed hats




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