

Registration for 2025 is now open. 
Please ensure you review all session information about your age group before completing registration.



On top of below registration fees, players will be required to participate in fundraising or pay an additional opt-out fee. Visit the Fundraising Information Page for more information about this year's campaign requirements.

If qualified for, financial assistance for participation is available through the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program or KIdSport Lacombe. Visit their website to apply.



*** We need parent volunteers to coach at all levels ***
If coaches are not recruited registrations will be cancelled 
Check out our Coaching Information Page for more information




Blackfalds Minor Soccer House Leagues


Coed Develop Skills and
Have Fun

House League
Plays only in Blackfalds


First day April 28

Final Night June 16


Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 4/5
this Calendar year

2 coaches
8- 10 kids

Play 4v4
No goalie

Note: Late registrations may be accepted if parent is willing to coach and/or there is availability on current teams. Also may be subject to late fees.





Develop Skills and
Have Fun

House League
Plays only in Blackfalds


First day April 29

Final Night June 17



Registration Closes

March 24 

Turning 6/7
this calendar year

2 coaches
8-10 kids

Play 5 v 5
No goalie

Note: Late registrations may be accepted if parent is willing to coach and/or there is availability on current teams. Also may be subject to late fees.





Develop Skills with 
Tactical Training

House League
Plays only in Blackfalds


First day April 28

Final Night June 16



Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 8/9
this calendar year

2 coaches
10-12 kids

Play 7 v 7

Note: Late registrations may be accepted if parent is willing to coach and/or there is availability on current teams. Also may be subject to late fees.



Central Alberta Soccer Travelling Leagues


Girls & Boys Teams
(numbers permitting)


Develop Skills with
Tactical Training

Travelling CASA League

Some travel required
around Central Alberta


First day April 28

Evaluations for team 
selection early April

Year End Festival
June 21/22



Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 8/9
this calendar year

2 coaches
Up to 10-12 kids

Play 7 v 7

Note: Late registrations may be accepted if there are spots left on teams. 



Boys or Girls Teams
(numbers permitting)


Develop Skills with
Tactical Training

Travelling CASA League

Travel required
around Central Alberta


First day of
main season April 29
Possible earlier start pending
field/coach availability

Evaluations for team selection
early April

CASA play starts May 6

Year End Tournament
June 21/22



Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 10/11
this calendar year

2 coaches
Up to 10-15 kids

Play 8 v 8

Please note U11:
- Those signing up for U11 are required to play in the year end tournament on June 21/22.
- Pending coach and field availability pre-season sessions may be available as early as April 14
- Late registrations may be accepted if there are spots left on teams.



Boys or Girls Teams
(numbers permitting)


Develop Skills with
Tactical Training

Travelling CASA League

Travel required
around Central Alberta

7:00 - 8:30

First day of
main season April 28
Possible earlier start pending
field/coach availability

Possible evaluations for
team selection in early April

Case play starts May 5

Provincial Qualifying 
Tournament June 21/22



Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 12/13
this calendar year

2 coaches
15-18 players

Play 11 v 11

Please note U13:
- Those signing up for U13 are required to play in the year end tournament on June 21/22.
- Success in the provincial qualifier may also result in competing in the provincial tournament in early July.
- Pending coach and field availability pre-season sessions may be available as early as April 14
- Late registrations may be accepted if there are spots left on teams.



Playing in Boys league 

Develop Skills with
Tactical Training

Travelling CASA League

Travel required
around Central Alberta

7:00 - 8:30

First day of
main season April 29

Possible evaluations for
team selection in early April.
Possible earlier start pending
field/coach availability

Case play starts May 6

Provincial Qualifying 
Tournament June 21/22



Registration Closes

March 24

Turning 14/15
this calendar year

2 coaches
15-18 players

Play 11 v 11

Please note U15:
- Those signing up for U15 are required to play in the year end tournament on June 21/22.
- Success in the provincial qualifier may also result in competing in the provincial tournament in early July.
- Pending coach and field availability pre-season sessions may be available as early as April 14
- Late registrations may be accepted if there are spots left on teams.


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