The BMSA president is the overall puppet master of the organization. They work to coordinate the rest of the executive team/board, leading the organization's overall vision and ensuring the soccer season comes together smoothly. The president is also responsible for mediating any grievances or conflicts that may arise throughout the soccer season.
Vice President
The BMSA Vice President is the jack-of-all-trades assistant. They are there to step in and serve as support to all of the other board roles as needed. They also take on the responsibility of liaising with the Town of Blackfalds around field maintenance and bookings and attend meetings (3-4 times a year) as the representative of BMSA to our district club Central Alberta Soccer (CASA)
Secretary/Communication Coordinator
The BMSA communication coordinator is the online "face" of Blackfalds minor soccer. They maintain the organization's website and social media pages and are responsible for the organization's outgoing communication through RAMP registrations. They are the go-to hub for all association emails and ensure that all incoming information and inquiries are answered or directed to the appropriate board member for resolution. They also manage the organization's online information drives, and take minutes for all board and general membership meetings.
Vacant (currently recruiting); Acting - Jessica
The BMSA treasurer is responsible for managing the financial matters of the organization. They work closely with the registrar and fundraising coordinator to ensure that payments coming in and going out are dealt with promptly. They also manage the organization's mailbox and are responsible for submitting annual reports to the general membership and the Alberta Registrar.
The BMSA registrar is responsible for the setup and maintenance of the registration system software. They work closely with the communications manager to assist registrants with system issues during registration and liaise with RAMP (registration software provider) to troubleshoot. The registrar builds teams and works with division coordinators to assign coaches. They also take responsibility for acting as the contact point for Tim Hortons Canada, ordering and organizing the equipment and uniforms coming in for TimBits Soccer sponsorship.
Fundraising Coordinator
The BMSA fundraising coordinator manages the pre-season flower fundraiser. They are responsible for liaising with the greenhouse to set up ordering procedures and timelines. They manage all of the order forms as they come in and take the lead in the organization of the delivery day. They are also the go-to person on the board should you have any interest in any BMSA sponsorship opportunities.
House League (U5/U7/U9) Coordinator
The BMSA House League coordinator is responsible for the U5, U7, and U9 house teams. Prior to the season, they work closely with the communications coordinator to recruit coaches and ensure all volunteers are properly signed on and trained. After the registrar has created teams the house league coordinator is responsible for creating the play schedule for each division. Throughout the season they communicate closely with coaches to ensure that all teams are covered and provide/arrange coverage if coaches can not make it and are the first point of contact for any other house-league specific issues that may arise.
Competitive Coordinator
The BMSA competitive coordinator is the go-to person on the board for the U9 development and U11+ travelling teams. Before the season starts, they work closely with the communications coordinator to recruit coaches and ensure that all volunteers are properly signed on and trained. Once the CASA schedules are released the competitive coordinator is responsible for creating a practice schedule around the CASA scheduled games and ensuring all teams have their required training equipment and jerseys. The competitive coordinator is the competitive team hub for communication with the Central Alberta Soccer Association. Any coach concerns/questions regarding the functioning of the competitive leagues must go through them.
Equiptment Manager
The BMSA equipment manager is responsible for the inventory and maintenance of BMSA equipment. They repair/replace any broken equipment as needed throughout the season. Before the season starts they are responsible for inflating balls and putting together equipment bags for each team. Throughout the season they ensure that nets are set up/taken down each day; either by doing it themselves or by managing a schedule of youth workers. After the season ends they ensure all equipment has been returned and properly stored.
Referee Coordinator
The BMSA referee coordinator is responsible for the scheduling of referees for all BMSA home games. They liaise with CASA and utilize RAMP software to schedule and assign officials. Before the season start they will also assist with referee recruitment and directing incoming refs towards the appropriate training.