Session Days & Times | Equipment Requirements | Cancellation Policies |
Field Location | Registration- Dates & Costs | How to Get Involved |
Fundraising |
U5/U7 | U9 House | U9 Travel/U11/U13/U15 |
In-House LeagueAll pracitces and games take place at All Star Park In BlackfaldsFirst half of each session is practice. Second half of each session is scrimmage with other Blackfalds teamsEach team is 2 coaching staff and 8-10 playesrsLeague is subsidized by Timbits Soccer. | In House LeagueTypically have one practice session and one game each week. Games will all take place at All Star ParkEach team is 2 coaching staff and around 12 playersUniforms and equipment are provided by BMSA or through sponsorshipAssociation also responsible for paying linesman and Jr. Refs for all home games.8 week program ending on a Monday night | CASA LeagueProgram schedule is set by Central Alberta Soccer Association. Depending on association registrations it can be quite game heavy. Requires travel throughout Central Alberta Communities. Ex. Stettler, Ponoka, Wetaskiwin, Rocky Mountain House Each team is 2 coaching staff and 15-20 players.Uniforms and equipment provided by Blackfalds Minor Soccer. |